The EPATS Project Management committee (PMC) is the executive body that assists the Project Coordinator for project control and monitoring activities. The PMC is chaired by the EPATS Project Coordinator who is the sole contact point between EPATS and the EC Project Officer. The PMC defines strategic orientations and performs project monitoring activities. This allows the partners and the EC to regularly get an overwiev of the project status and to provide orientations in order to assess theadequacy of the EPATS deliverables with partner's goals in term of research and development. > PMC consists of:• Project Coordinator (chair);• Technical Manager;• All WP Managers and Task Leaders;• Administrative Manager;• Dissemination Manager.> PMC is composed of all the partners of the project.> PMC meets twice a year. >The PMC defines strategic orientations and performs projectmonitoring activities > Decisions in the PMC are taken by a majority of 2/3 ofthe votes of Contractors present or represented, or have expressed their votes in a written form. > Each Contractor has one vote. |