identify the new market for personal aviation in Europe as the
result of technology development and society needs.
Characteristics of this travel mode will be reduced door-to-door travel time by using small airports and small
aircraft at low cost, operating in all weather conditions, serving
also the suburban, rural and remote locations, and particularly the
populations that do not have access to high speed transportation
market study will demonstrate
if such a market is likely to develop and quantify this new market. An estimate will be provided on the
types and number of aeroplanes that would be needed to serve such a
market. The study will identify the number of aeroplanes needed to
replace existing aeroplanes, and needed to satisfy the potential new
understand the impact of this potential market on the European ATM
and airport infrastructures and to specify issues to be solved. The
study will address the need for special ATM system developments
linked to the potential market demand in the context of the Single
European Sky initiative. This work will be fed into the SESAR
(Single European Sky ATM Research) project. (D3)
quantify the economic impact of
implementing a new European personal air transport system in terms
of transportation effectiveness and job creation.
identify and assess mission’s requirements for possible new
classes of aeroplanes based on
advanced technologies, which will satisfy the society needs for
flexible, fast, easy to use, efficient, low cost, near all weather,
safe and environmentally friendly air travel.
identify the step changes in European industry development of
engines and avionics for small
aircraft, and in technologies that need to be researched urgently in
order to ensure a competitive position of the European aircraft
industry, which is composed of many small and medium sized companies
in this market segment.
To propose recommendations (in terms of EPATS
research and development roadmap) for the introduction of this
new European Air Transportation System in the context of the
European Research Areas and European partnership.
To disseminate the conclusions of the study amongst the
European stakeholders, to increase interest in the potential new
market, and to promote the revitalisation of the European General
Aviation industry.